How to Setup and Work with Virtual Hosts using WAMP Server

10 Jan 2013

What you'll need:

What is a virtual host?

The Wikipedia definition is:

Virtual hosting is a method for hosting multiple domain names (with separate handling of each name) on a single server (or pool of servers)

In my workflow, I use the prefix 'local' to keep my local sites separate from real ones. So for a site called 'test-site', I would create the virtual host 'http://local.test-site'. This allows the site to act like it would if I pushed it to a live server.

Creating a Virtual Host

We'll need to modify a few configuration files to do this. So open the WAMP directory and navigate to:


Open up httpd.conf, scroll to the bottom and uncomment the following line by removing the hash:

Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

Now navigate to the extra folder and open up httpd-vhosts.conf

This file show be pre-populated with some dummy examples for you to use. Feel free to keep them, but I removed them. Add the following to create a new virtual host:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www/test-site"
    ServerName local.test-site
    <Directory "c:/wamp/www/test-site">
      Allow from all

Here, we are defining a new virtual host with the server name we want to use, the root of our site and the settings for this directory.

Now open up our machine host files, which can be found at C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.

This file keeps your host file entries. Here we tell the machine where to go if we request a certain URL. So here's an example of routing Google to our local host:

Every request made to the url '' from this machine will redirect it to the IP (our localhost)

To route to our test site, we create a new host entry:       local.test-site

This will redirect any requests to http://local.test-site to our localhost, which will then make the test-site folder our default location.

You will find that there is already an entry for 'localhost'. Just add our new entry below this one.


Easy peesy. So whenever you add a new site, create a new virtual host by changing the server name and root location, then add the server name to your host entries.

Our final step is to restart the WAMP server. You can do this by clicking on the WAMP icon in the system tray and hitting 'Restart all services'

Note: All this switching between host files can get annoying, so if you use Sublime Text, here's a neat tip - LINK